Pilgrim Congregational United is a church devoted to developing a holy consciousness. We believe that worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do, whether that be nourishing our bodies with food, chatting with friends, playing music, or enjoying nature. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures, life’s only guidebook. Whatever your age, gender or race, there is a special place for you at our Church. We offer members a chance to become part of something greater, to grow their love for God and for one another in our beautiful community. Get in touch today or swing by for a visit.
Building a Sacred Community
Meets Tuesdays @ 6:15 pm on Zoom, (New Testament/Old Testament) conducted by the pastor or designated member.
Sunday School, Bible Study, Movie Ministry,Prayer Chain, Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Judy Dawson, Chair; Henry Henson, Vice Chair; Pastor Edwards, Advisor
Umbrella organization for eight separate ministries that focus on the spiritual/practical education of our members (adults, children and youth) about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ through regular bible study, corporate and individual prayer, music, meditation, camping, community service, arts and crafts, and fun.
Please join us for worship service:
10:30 Sunday Mornings
3115 Blodgett
Houston, TX 77004
Office: (713) 528-5321
Who We Are
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, divinely inspired; that it is preserved by God for us; that it is authoritative for this church and each of us for every age.
We believe that God exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three are one God.
We believe God created the universe by His Power and Word.
We believe that God is all knowing, all powerful and ever present.
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ was sent by God the Father into the world to save sinners.
We believe that Jesus Christ was virgin born, sinless in life and mighty in words and deeds.
We believe Jesus was both God and man, that He was crucified for our sins, and was bodily raised from the dead. He then ascended to His Father’s side where He is head of the church and intercedes for believers.
We believe Jesus Christ is coming again personally, visibly and bodily to reign as Lord.
The Holy Spirit
We believe the Holy Spirit is a person, is God, and has all the divine characteristics. He indwells all believers, baptizes and seals them at the moment of salvation. He fills them in response to confession of sin and surrender to Him.
We believe that Jesus, through His death on the cross, provided salvation for all. However, to receive salvation one must repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ alone. The true believer is eternally secure and cannot lose his salvation. He may, however, lose his joy by sin and bring the loving discipline of the Father upon himself.
All who have received Christ will at death depart to be with Christ in their spirits and at Christ’s return receive a new body which will be like His glorious body.
The Church
We believe a New Testament church is a local body of baptized believers who have agreed together to worship Jesus Christ, edify the believers, evangelize the lost and minister to others.
The church has two ordinances: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Baptism symbolizes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the new life we have in Him.
The Lord’s Supper is a reminder of Christ’s death and anticipates His Second Coming.
The church offers three (3) rites:
Christian Burial