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You Are Welcome Here!

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Everyone Belongs In


Since 1904, we have wholeheartedly welcomed members of the greater Houston community to join us in song, service, worship, and prayer at Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ. Come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation.




Meets every Monday @ 10:00am to collect, describe and preserve the history of our church for display and storage. Committee received a Texas Historical Marker for out 100th year anniversary (placed on church campus) from the Texas Historical Commission.

Image by Phil Goodwin


Duly elected members who are responsible for the day to day governance of the church. Council establishes policies and procedures and it approves and evaluates church ministries and programs. Council manages church activities and serves as the "voice" of church members in the affairs of the church. Conducts Quarterly, Annual and special meetings required by the Church Constitution. Meets third Thursday of every month @6:30 pm in the Community Center Board Room

Image by David Travis



Leading in church ministry, our Deacons serve at Sunday morning worship service. Responsible for coordinating prayers of invocation, litany readings,serving communion, sick and shut in visitation and one on one prayer. Responsible for dedications, baptism and new member orientation.



Sunday School, Bible Study, Second Centry Prayer Warriors, Kidbuilderz, Prayer Chain, Vacation Bible School (VBS). The umbrella organization for eight separate ministries that focus on the spiritual/practical education of our members (adults, children and youth) about the life and teachings of Jesus Christ through regular bible study, corporate and individual prayer, music, meditation, camping, community service, arts and crafts, and lots of fun.


Manna House is a community food pantry. It is a co-op of seven churches: Wheeler Avenue Baptist, St. James Episcopal, Pilgrim CUCC, University Presbyterian, St. Mary of the Purification Catholic, Covenant Baptist and St. Luke Episcopal. The organization is dedicated to providing food and sustenance to those in need.

Organic Vegetables
Church Choir


The mission of the Music Department is to: provide an effective and spiritual music program that will enhance the worship services, meet the needs of the church at large and ultimately, give God our best so that He will be glorified. Provides worship service music for Sunday worship, and numerous special services such as revival, concerts, etc.

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PSU unites the women of Pilgrim for the purpose of strengthening Christian values by fostering spiritual growth through worship, study and service. PSU promotes Christian service at home, in the church and in the world, as it creates an environment to guide and assist women into leadership roles at all levels of the United Church of Christ. Responsible for Women's Emphasis Month activities which include Women's Day, special worship services, luncheon and sponsorship of the Gwen Cloyd Scholarship Fund.


A group of dedicated women and men who meet regularly for bible study, prayer and meditation via readings and in-depth discussions of great classical Christian thoughts of some of the earliest Christian writers from 3rd century to contemporary times. Sponsors Prayer Vigils and New Years Eve Watch Night Service. Meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday @ 8:00 am in the John D. Moore Chapel

Pink Envelopes


STAMPS is an in--house ministry where in the entire church participates donating cards and stamps to provide a venue for keeping in touch with our members, their families or friends who are sick, bereaved, home bound, in prison and etc. The goal is to help:

  • stamp out loneliness

  • stamp out rejection

  • stamp out sadness

  • stamp out isolation  


To stamp out unawareness of church happenings. There are no meetings but everyone is responsible for providing names of persons who may benefit from a card. The chair then mails out a card to the requested person.

Sunrise on Nature


The mission of the stewardship committee is to invite and encourage our members to examine the process by which people are enriched as they learn to deal responsibly with their time, talents and resources in light of God's gifts to them; sponsor special fundraising activities such as Our Church's Wider Mission, One Great Hour of Serving, Neighbors in Need.



Group of lay members who are responsible for welcoming arriving church members and guests to Sunday service, distributing Sunday worship bulletins, assisting and directing members and guests with seating, collecting all offerings, maintaining the order flow of communicants to the altar, recording worship attendance, and aiding the clergy as needed.

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Men's Fellowship

Micah 6:8

 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
   And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
   and to walk humbly with your God

The Men of God living out their faith and sharing with one another through fellowship, friend ship and service.

The Men's Fellowship is in charge of lawn care, special projects and every 3rd Sunday morning breakfast.


Mark 12:33


To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

The journey of one's spiritual growth may start when that person walks through the doors of our church for the first time. We have the awesome responsibility to see that they are welcomed and so loved that they will return for a second visit and a third visit and eventually assimilate into the body and grow in their faith.


                                                                                                 ~Greg Atkinson



Pilgrim Ambassadors for Christ

PRESIDENT:           Lisa Shelvin

V. PRESIDENT:       John Pruett

SECRETARY:          Cynthia Munson

TREASURER:          Stephanie Emmers

CHAPLAIN:            Patricia Butler





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SUNDAYS 10:30am

3115 Blodgett St, Houston, TX 77004, USA

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